Welcome to L2Earth x25 Craft-PvP!
The server will never wipe but instead it will merge with L2Etina and L2Earth upcoming midrate servers.
The online time of the server is guaranteed regardless of the amount of players.
The main difference between L2Earth x25 craft-pvp and other midrate servers is that you cannot buy ingame advantage such as exp bonuses, items, enchants, adena, everything is earned by self effort and dedication, no more P2W.
Dual Box 1+1 allowed but with the following restrictions:
You cannot dual box in PvP ( your 2nd char will automatic be ported to town when you flag with it )
You cannot dual box in Events
You cannot dual box in Olympiad
You cannot dual box in Sieges
You cannot dual box in Epics
You cannot dual box in PvP Zones ( such as mos and pagan, epic zones etc )
Server time is GMT +1

- Experience: 25x
- Skill Points: 25x
- Adena Drop: 7x
- Item Drop: 7x
- Seal Stones Drop: 7x
- Spoil Rate: 7x
- Raid Boss Exp: 10x
- Raid Boss Drop: 3x
- Epic Boss Drop: 1x
- Quest Reward Items/Adena: 1x

- Gather the Flames x1
- Relics of the Old Empire x2
- The Finest Food x3
- Alliance with Varka Silenos x3
- Alliance with Ketra Orcs x3
- War with Ketra x3
- War with Varka x3
- The Zero Hour x3
- Yoke of the Past x3
- In Search of Fragments of Dimension x3
- Exploration of the Giants’ Cave – Part 1 x3
- Exploration of the Giants’ Cave – Part 2 x3
- Legacy of Insolence x3
- Supplier of reagents x3
- Into the flames x3
- Audience with the land dragon x3
- An Arrogant Search x3
- Last Imperial Prince x3
- An Ice Merchant dream x3
- Golden Ram Mercenary x3
- Whispers of Dream part 1 x3
- Whispers of Dream part 2 x3
- The finest Ingredients x3
- 3rd class Halisha Marks drop x3
- Delicious Top Choice Meat x3
- Seekers of the Holy Grail: x3
- Guardians of the Holy Grail: x3
- Rise And Fall Of The Elroki Tribe: x2

- Autolearn skills until lvl 79 ( lvl 80 books can be farmed in Primeval Island from mobs or from rb Sailren who spawns every 6 hours )
- Auto loot
- Auto Augment Weapon by right click on life stone (very fast way to augment the weapon in 1 click)
- Weight limit increased x5
- Inventory slots 150
- Skill Sweeper Festival added to Scavenger
- Shift + click on monsters to see the droplist
- FOI Works like GF chronicle (effect disappear on casting or hitting)
- MP potions (1000 + 10s CD)
- Offline shop (duration 7 days before being kicked).
- Buff slots 24+4 (buff duration 2h, selfbuffs retail)
- There is no clan penalty to invite/expell
- Maximum 72 ppl in command channel and in clan excluding academy chars. Maximum 1 clan in ally
- Royals and Knights can be created at clan level 5, cost 1 CRP
- Clan skills for all members (not rank dependant)
- Missions system (from Classic), you can get rewards by completing daily/weekly/one-time missions like killing monsters, raids, players on pvp, epics, collecting certain items…
- Malaria, flu can be get in Hot Springs, they work as debuffs, cleansable
- Buff block skill
- Block exp skill from voting/premium
- Restore life does not work in Raid Boss or Epic Boss
- Blessed Scroll of Resurection has 1 minute cooldown (reuse)
- Cancel (all skills with cancel effect), removes buffs for 15 seconds, then the buffs return.
- First class change FREE
- Second class change FREE
- Third class change QUEST
- Subclass QUEST (sub class raid boss respawn time is 8h + 1 random), once you have Pipete you can exchange for Red Pipete for FREE in gmshop). On this way everyone can make subclass without going to Baium.
- Nobless QUEST, supplier of reagents quest (for moonstone shard and hellfire oil) has been increased x3 rates.
- Barakiel, if you kill barakiel on this step of the quest you will get the staff, if you don’t last hit the raid you will get a staff fragment instead, with 15 fragments you automatically get the staff and can finish the quest. This means that even failing barakiel you always progress.
- Core and Orfen jeweles got boosted stats.

- Quest Period: Monday 18:00 – Friday 18:00 (you can register to join catacombs and necropolis and farm Seal Stones)
- Reward Period: Friday 18:00 – Monday 18:00 (you can use mammon NPCs and exchange seal stones for AA)
- To be able to join catacombs and necropolis you need to register in the Dawn or Dusk NPCs from monday to friday. Mammon NPCs will appear from Friday to Monday in catacombs and necropolis, their location will be announced each time they move.
- You can only exchange ancient adena and unseal armors if you join the winning cabal (if you are in dawn and dusk wins you will need to wait 1 week to use mammon services).

- All this is available in one NPC called Earth that you can find in every town. (it has other functions such as warehouse, symbol maker, gatekeeper, augument, change subclass)
- Buffer: all buffs, including pet buffs, resistances… Duration 2 hours.
- Shop: up to B grade, normal enchants, misc items…
- Event shop: with event medals from tvt, ctf, korean tvt, death match. You can buy Blessed scrolls, bogs, top LS, Soul Crystals (11, 12, 13), buff books…

- Bosses from PVP areas (Master Anays, High Priest Van Halter) drop 3rd and 4th book.
- Uruka drops 3rd and 4th book too.
- Quent Ant, Core, Orfen and Zaken drops 3rd and 4th book.
- You can buy all books in the Shop for adena
- You can exchange event medals (earn in events) for books too
- Rest is retail (bosses, olympiad, black market of mammon…)

- Cycle: 1 week
- Period: Tuesday – Sunday from 20:00 to 00:00
- Olympiad max enchant +8